How to Manage Screen Time: Android, iOS Tips?

· Parental Control

How much screen time is too much? I’m sure this question often pops up in your mind whenever you see your children all observed on their devices.

According to the study, those who spend even 6 hours per day watching screens had a higher risk for depression.

Well, in this instance, you might be shocked to hear that 8 hours is the average screen time for teens today.

That’s for what reason screen time has become an increasingly important topic of discussion in today's digital age, and parents are mainly required to be more attentive to this subject.

However, there are many more things you need to know on this matter that we’ll discuss in this blog, and what as parents you can do to minimize it.

How to Set Screen Time Limit on iOS and Android Devices? 

The screen time feature in both the devices - Android & iOS is not only free but quite easy and can be configured within a few minutes.

Here you go:

On iOS Device

iOS devices have an amazing feature known as “Screen Time.” On enabling this app, you’ll get to know how long your children have been using certain apps on their iPhones or iPads.

Here’s how you can execute this feature on their iOS devices:

  • Go to the menu Settings.
  • Select the option Screen Time.
  • Select App & Website Activity.
  • Now, tap Turn on App & Website Activity.

After you finish with the steps, the app will track all your kids’ activities, and at the end of each week, you’ll get an automatic report detailing how often your child uses the device.

On Android Device

Similar to iOS devices, Android also holds a built-in screen time feature called Digital Well-being & Parental Controls, that helps you manage the time your kids spend on their gadgets.

To set up the feature:

  • Open the menu Settings.
  • Select Digital Well-being & Parental Controls.
  • You’ll notice a pie chart showing the total time spent on apps.
  • Now, select the option Dashboard i.e. right below the pie chart.
  • Next, you’ll be able to see the total screen time.
  • Select Screen Time to set a limit on the phone.

With this, you have successfully set the screen time feature on iOS and Android devices.

Why Are Children Today So Obsessed with Screens?

Parents frequently lament that their kids spend too much time on screens, but they never discuss what gets them there or why today's youth choose smartphones over family time.

While understanding the issues posed by screen addiction is important, it's equally critical to understand the forces driving this behavior.

Here’s what could be the cases:

1. The Appeal of Technology

Children today are surrounded by technology offering a wide array of entertainment options that are designed to be engaging and captivating.

These devices provide instant gratification through games, social media, videos, and other content, which can be more appealing to your children than other activities.

2. Peer Pressure

Young teens often see their friends and peers using technology extensively, which can create a social norm around screen time.

This is another factor that can make your kids feel pressure to keep up with their friends or fear missing out on the latest trends or activities happening online.

3. Parental Influence

As said, children learn and do what they see. So, the fault can also be of those parents who frequently stay busy on their devices or prioritize screen time over family interactions.

4. Lack of Alternative Activities

Another factor can be a lack of alternatives such as limited access to outdoor spaces or organized sports can contribute to increased screen time.

You can also take the example of the Corona period, where this problem began to breed.

5. Escapism and Stress Relief

Similar to the way an alcoholic will turn to the bottle in times of stress, a person with technology addiction will turn to their devices to find comfort in difficult situations.

So, your children when they face challenges at school, social pressures, or family issues.

These factors may not be enough for a clear explanation of why today’s youth are drowning completely in the digital world.

But there are some effective precautions you can take as a parent or guardian to take this matter into your own hands.

What Parents Must Do to Reduce Children’s Screen Time?

Raising voices and snatching devices will make it more difficult for you to handle such sensitive issues.

Here, as parents, your primary job is to find an ideal balance between technology and the real world.

  • You can sit with them and have an honest conversation regarding your concern about their excessive screen time usage.
  • You can create or set rules to help them keep from too much screen time.
  • You must avoid keeping electronic devices in children’s rooms.
  • Encourage them to take a walk outside and engage in outdoor activities, and don’t forget to get involved with them.
  • Remember that children follow their elders, so you must reduce your screen time as much as possible, especially in front of your little ones.

Keeping to these safety measures, you can ensure you and your children will soon adopt healthy screen time habits.

Closing Out!!

Today’s Gen-Z are growing up with technology, so it’s natural for them to protest having screens taken away.

Thus, you must implement screen time on their devices and follow the measures we discussed in this blog.
